Make a Difference
The MSO strives to be a core component of the rich culture of performing arts in North Manchester, Wabash County, and surrounding regional communities. As the MSO moves into the future, its members and its supporters in the Manchester Symphony Society can assert "The MSO and its supporters make a difference in the cultural and economic health of the region." We can’t do it without your help! Donate to the MSO and help us reach out to our community.
Guest Artist Residency Fund
This new fund makes it possible to bring national and international musicians for annual week-long residencies, consistently raising the artistic bar of excellence and bringing the wider world to our community through multiple engaging activities.
Donors ($1,000 minimum) to this special fund will be invited (with a guest) to a formal dinner and soirée type mini concert with the guest artist. Donors will also be invited to attend the MSO dress rehearsal and appear with the artists and conductor in a post-concert reception line.
Symphony Society Patron
By becoming a patron of the Manchester Symphony Society, you have an opportunity to show how much you appreciate what we do. You will also receive many benefits and the gratitude of our board, staff, and musicians as you help support us throughout the season.
Business Partner
The MSO's Business Partners enable the Orchestra to maintain the highest standards of artistic excellence. They nurture our county's future by supporting learning, access, and training programs for youth. They enhance their own brands, build business relationships, reward employees and foster reputations for corporate citizenship.
Sponsor Music or a Chair
Do you have a favorite composer? Do you like holiday music? Or do you just want to help with the costs of music rental? Do you have a favorite musician in the orchestra? Do you like the sound of a certain instrument? Why not sponsor a chair held by one of our talented musicians? Beginning at $250, you can underwrite a musician in the orchestra. Or you can sponsor a piece of music that the MSO will perform in concert!
Gifts to the Manchester Symphony Society's Endowment perform forever. That's because when you make a gift to the MSO endowment, your gift is not spent but is invested to provide a steady stream of needed income for operating expenses meeting the needs of the Symphony far into the future.
We are pleased to be supported by an endowment created by our loyal patrons and administered by the Community Foundation of Wabash County since 1991. The Foundation manages over 300 endowments totaling over $35 million. Endowment gifts can be made in honor or in memory of a loved one. They can be large or small, current or deferred, and should be made directly to the Community Foundation of Wabash County.
For more information about giving to the Society, creating an endowment fund, or providing for the symphony into the future, please call (260) 982-5040, or use the form linked here. (.PDF)